Painted Skin (2008 film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia昨天我哥例行地騎機車來接我下班騎著騎著,車子都遇到了紅燈停了下來快要變綠燈的時候,隔壁機車上的情侶中的男生對著我們大叫媽的~老兄!你馬子怎麼醜成這樣啊!下次記得找正一點的啊!哈哈哈哈~~~~~~說完就邊狂笑邊狂催油門一溜煙的就不見了我心想:算了~反正我也不是啥大正妹...(不過這樣被講心裡也不是很高Painted Skin is a 2008 supernatural-fantasy film directed by Gordon Chan, starring Donnie Yen, Chen Kun, Zhou Xun, Zhao Wei, Betty Sun and Qi Yuwu.[1] Although the film is based partly on a supernatural premise, it is more of an action-romance than a horr...