就算再天菜也不能為你的他做這6件「蠢到爆炸」的事! 5 簡直為愛腦殘到連男生都破口大罵了!
Painted Skin (2008 film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ▲不只男生,女生也會為愛盲目?!(sourse : fashioncnool) 愛情是盲目的,不只是男生在追求女生時會用盡各種蠢方法,就連女生在愛情中也會為了討好對方而做出瘋狂的舉動。根據brightside報導,以下這6種行為被公認為女生在愛情中最盲目的行為。 #1 想要幫他解決所Painted Skin is a 2008 supernatural-fantasy film directed by Gordon Chan, starring Donnie Yen, Chen Kun, Zhou Xun, Zhao Wei, Betty Sun and Qi Yuwu.[1] Although the film is based partly on a supernatural premise, it is more of an action-romance than a horr...