早春少不了的優雅開襟衫 簡單上手的穿搭魅力
Adrenaline, Cortisol, Norepinephrine: The Three Major Stress Hormones, Explained 又到了換季的時刻,雖然現在的天氣忽冷忽熱,讓人不知道厚外套該不該收的尷尬狀態,有時中午吃飯時太陽露臉,晚上回家又覺得冷風颼颼…這時候穿搭最好的幫手就是「罩衫」啦,不僅造型百搭、又沒有大衣的厚重感,在這早春時節非常適合。 ▼以同色系作為主軸,復古的酒紅色提昇造型質感 ▼穿Thanks to the work of our sympathetic nervous system, the "fight or flight" system that takes over when we're stressed, when you see your boss's name in your inbox late at night, your body reacts like there's a lion on the loose. Behind the wide range of ...