單車化身潮人最時髦單品「NEW YORK BIKE STYLE」最佳膜拜聖經!
Jiro Wang 汪東城 - Make believe 相信嗎 Lyrics (pinyin, chinese & english) - YouTube 經過歷史上長時間的革命與進化,現代人越來越懂得如何在資本主義社會與質感生活之間取得舒適的平衡點。如今可說是人人隨手一台單車的城市遨俠,在最適合認識城市的移動速度下,人來人往的不斷穿梭在城市文化之中。 面對城市興起的新生活,這位來自紐約同時為雜誌編輯與街拍攝影師的Sam Polcer,因為愛上了這項This may have taken me very long to make but it is all worth it. The video kept on saving differently to how I made it! So I had to change and resave it like over 10 times! I made this lyric video differently to how I made my others and the colour of the ...