Calendar: Create monthly calendars from your photographs. 保險套丟法是有洨問的1. 千萬不要丟馬桶保險套不會在水中分解,很有可能會阻塞馬桶。小弟認識一個胸妹,她的男友很愛把保險丟馬桶里,沒想到,在男友出差時馬桶阻塞,胸妹不知道該怎麼辦,找了房東太太,房東太 太不知道怎麼辦,找了社區總干事,總干事總算是個正常人,發現馬桶吸盤(+9通通)無效後找了水電來幫忙Create a monthly calendar using your photographs and make your own recycled display case. Plan ahead! Impress your friends with your pre-cognitive powers! All you need is a photo from that fancy digital camera of yours. Heck, go nuts and make a whole year...