
專業名詞 - 台灣健康檢驗網 via睪丸酮( Testosterone或Testo ) 目的: 睪丸酮(Testosterone或Testo)就是所謂的男性荷爾蒙或 雄性素,主要由睪丸所分泌,因此可以由它偵測睪丸的 功能。在女性方面,睪丸酮過高可能引起男性化。 正常值:...


樂活營養師 - 睪固酮不足 熟男易患憂鬱症 via樂活營養師 男人也有更年期!男性年過四十,易因睪固酮分泌濃度不足,出現性慾降低、勃起功能障礙等俗稱男性更年期的睪固酮低下症狀,不僅體力、活力跟性能力一落千丈,罹患憂鬱症風險更高出正常人約兩倍。 蔡維恭、陳煜 醫師...


Be careful with testosterone cypionate concentration - AnabolicMinds.com via  While reviewing blood tests and my doc's medication instructions this morning, I discovered that I've accidentally been injecting testosterone ... 200mg per ml vials seems to be what's most in stock at pharmacies. Clue your doc into this so you won't have...


How Low Testosterone Affects Health: Mood, Concentration, Weight, and More viaWhen levels of this male hormone drop, you won't just have sexual problems. It can also affect your mood, weight, and concentration. ... Pete Evans knew something was wrong when he had sudden problems getting an erection. At 52, he had always had an activ...


Amazon.com: NutriMen #1 Mens Daily Supplement . Naturally Increase Stamina, Size, Energy, Drive, and viaFeel the strength.. More energy and focus. Harder and longer sessions with your partner. 50mg of DHEA supports psychical and mental agility. Advanced formula Supports prostrate health and urine flow. NutriMEN+ is our best selling mens daily energy and low...
