The MSDS HyperGlossary: Solvent - Interactive Learning Paradigms, Incorporated哎不愛了就不要在一起,後來外遇來報復也沒比較高尚,還在老婆杯子裡放藥真心覺得這樣很不好.. 網友回覆: (1)你老婆外遇是不對,她也懸崖勒馬了, 你真的'心很冷'不如跟她離婚! 讓彼此有個機會尋找自己的幸福, 何必這樣對她?還放事後避孕藥, 那個多傷身啊!你需要這樣傷害她嗎? 你其實也好不到哪裡去,Fire codes require that flammable solvents are properly stored in cabinets like these from Safety Emporium. If you are using a substance as a solvent, that generally means you'll be using a large quantity of it. Therefore, read the MSDS before working wit...