
什麼是網路霸凌bully ? | 網路安全趨勢怪異刺青集合                        兒盟參考國際指標及定義,歸類出適合台灣校園的「網路霸凌」標準: 「網路小搗蛋」(如:用 MSN 或 YAHOO 即時通的暱稱、訊息罵人) 「網路小混混」(如:未經別人同意,擅自張貼別人的照片,或公佈別人的秘密)、「網路小霸王」(如:如駭客般 ......


What is BPDU? Webopedia - Webopedia: Online Tech Dictionary for IT Professionals姑婆婆的孫子~沒有任何的化妝~就帶了個假髮~   Acronym for bridge protocol data unit. BPDUs are data messages that are exchanged across the switches within an extended LAN that uses a spanning tree protocol topology. BPDU packets contain information on ports, addresses, priorities and costs and ensure...


3. 社交網路 | 宅學習 - Social Learning Space給大家送兩副春聯~   1. 社交網路(Social Network)的定義與發展 1-1.何謂social network? 社交網路為社會科學的分支,目的在於檢視人們於社會、經濟、文化等框架(Framework)中所扮演的角色。最初的社交網路理論是指人與人之間、或是人與組織之間,透過人際關係、社會關係等 ......


What is spanning tree protocol? A Webopedia Definition 先生你的麥克風 This page describes the term spanning tree protocol and lists other pages on the Web where you can find additional information. ... Abbreviated STP, a link management protocol that is part of the IEEE 802.1 standard for media access control bridges. Using...


微軟推出 Hotmail 全新帳號 @hotmail.com.twIP4 X10 N8都是浮雲(2010 年 1 月 28 日,台北) 台灣微軟宣佈 Windows Live Hotmail 推出全新 @hotmail.com.tw 帳號。即日起網友可以為自己申請一個好記又響亮的 Hotmail 個人化信箱帳號,搭配網路信箱整合功能,統一管理其他既有的網路信箱郵件。...


Brad's Thoughts on the Social Graph - Brad Fitzpatrick [bradfitz.com]上英文課小心了Translations: [Беларускі] I've been thinking a lot about the social graph for awhile now: aggregating the graph, decentralization, social network portability, etc. If you've seen me at any conference recently, I probably talked your ear off about it. I've...
