Samurai Deeper Kyo (manga) - Anime News Network 前段時間,有文章拋出觀點:85後已經成為最不年輕的一個群體。 在當今更迭迅速的時代,其實,連剛畢業的90後也已經不算最年輕的花朵了。這年頭,連00後已經開始出來混了,逼格竟一點不輸80、90後。不信?小編給大家舉個例子:Kristina Pimenova。 Kristina PimenKyoshiro Mibu is a traveling medicine man. Even though he isnt all that great at it. Along the way he runs into a bounty hunter named Yuya Shina. She claims he is Demon Eyes Kyo and tries to take him in to get his bounty. For Kyo is the slayer of a thousa...