Red vs. Blue: Which Should You Choose? | The Psychology of Video Games 又到情人節,這是許多餐館一年中最忙碌的時段之一。餐館肯定又照例推出“浪漫香煎小牛仔骨”這樣的菜品。在家吃一頓浪漫晚餐和花10萬美元僱一個米其林星級大廚來你家做飯,你會怎麼選擇? 英國奢侈品零售網站VeryFirstTo對外發布了史上最昂貴的情人節晚餐,由英國米其林星級飯店顛World of Tanks has a permanent system, where your team is green and enemy is red. But the thing is that you see your teammates green and enemies red, but you have no color. Neverwinter Online has the similar system but with Red and Blue. Which in this cas...