Blog | Sony 因為熱愛, 所以長久。 「Cycle Boy」 相信喜歡宮崎駿動漫的小夥伴, 一定會喜歡《魔女宅急便》中, 蜻蜓載着琪琪 所騎的那輛「飛天單車」。 後來《魔女宅急便》真人版電影的 製片人日本導演清水崇,在尋找蜻蜓所Over the Moon by Andrew 08/11/2014 Of the three super moons set for the summer of 2014, Sunday night’s was the largest and brightest. Here are some of our favorite shots of the event taken with Sony Cameras. If you missed out on the super moon ......