Statistical hypothesis testing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Dcard 原文:慎入,會瞎 。閃光是個喜歡浪漫的女孩我想其實多數女孩們一樣都有一顆羅曼蒂克的心吧以下分享幾則供男孩們參考 :: 喂你可以轉頭過去嗎,我不想看到你的臉 。閃 : 為什麼 ? 我很醜嗎 ? (( 微怒: 不是,因為每看你一次我都會重新又愛上你一次,很害羞欸 。閃 : (( A statistical hypothesis is a scientific hypothesis that is testable on the basis of observing a process that is modeled via a set of random variables.[1] A statistical hypothesis test is a method of statistical inference used for testing a statistical hy...