日本男裝品牌 ZIP Clothing store「四小時限定超殺優惠」特賣中!1.7折超誠意下殺!
Picnik 來自日本北海道的品牌ZIP,「四小時限定超殺優惠」與日本同步上市搶購,下訂後將會從日本空運來台,機會難求啊!從官方已經釋出的文宣看來,確實打算一口氣回饋給粉絲朋友! 購買連結:http://bit.ly/1nHLI1D 如果你還沒認識日本北海道男裝品牌ZIP,請觀看之前眾多部落客的穿搭介紹!ZIPThe Picnik is over As announced earlier, Picnik closed on April 19, 2013. We're fortunate and proud to have worked on Picnik. What now? To keep your photo editing mojo rolling, check out Google+'s Photos Editor. Why? Since joining Google in 2010, the Picn...