Best Text-to-Speech Demo: Create Talking Avatars and Online Characters | SitePal TTS Demo 趙薇的生日,就在她生日的兩天前,當她作為《致我們終將逝去的青春》的導演做客《魯豫有約》時,卻在現場度過了那麼難忘的時刻。 當主持人宣布有神秘嘉賓到來時,大家把視線集中在舞台的左側通道,觀眾還沒看到,趙薇卻已經看到了,她的大學同學—黃曉明,她當時就跳了起來,一聲尖叫,拍了一Try SitePal's talking avatars with our free Text to Speech online demo. Our virtual characters read text aloud naturally in over 25 languages. Use our text to speach (txt 2 speech) tool to test speech voices. No speaking software needed...