A.B. Paterson College | Private Co-Educational Primary and Secondary School │Gold Coast1. 因為夫妻合併申報所得稅沒有比較省 2. 因為政府做的宣導短片不夠吸引人 3. 因為家裡黃曆找不到「宜嫁娶,鐵不離」的日子 4. 因為找不到兩個願意把新人推入愛情墳墓的「好友」 5. 因為家人給的壓力太大,不爽 6. 因為家人給的壓力太小,沒動力 7. 因為「受精卵」沒來亂 8. 因為怕朋友不多AB Paterson College is an interdenominational private school based on the Gold Coast, determined to challenge the individual to achieve, and to act with purpose and character. ... College joins Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Schools Connect Program .....