日本變態無極限,竟然找正妹同事用那裏捏飯糰,「感覺特別好吃耶 」
Logitech - LS11 Speakers customer reviews - product reviews - read top consumer ratings 翻拍自ptt下同 網路上似乎悄悄吹起一股用腋下握御飯糰的風潮,特別投搞到社群網站的動漫及漫画中,女主角常有用腋下握御飯糰的場景出現.網友們似乎對用腋下御飯糰有著非比尋常的特別感情.看來該腋下御飯糰有著難以言喻的美味,為此編集部的亞希子記者親身試範以腋下握出御飯糰來確認其Logitech product reviews and customer ratings for LS11 Speakers. Read and compare experiences customers have had with Logitech products. ... I hope those negative reviews are just due to bad batch, and I hope mine do not end up negative... But so far thes...