Logitech - Speaker System Z313 - Logitech - Get Immersed in the Digital World!購物證明某日,一位老太太走進鎮上商店要買狗食。店員:「請把你的狗兒帶來,證明你確實有養狗,我才能賣狗食給你!」 老太太很生氣但無奈,就回家把狗牽來,店員看了狗兒就賣了狗食給他。 五天後,老太太走進鎮上商店要買貓食。店員:「請把你的貓兒帶來,證明你確實有養貓,我才能賣貓食給你!」老太太更加生氣但還是無With a convenient control pod and big, balanced sound, this speaker system is the easy way to kick back with your music. ... Audio Support Looking for information about a Logitech speaker dock, Squeezebox or other audio product? Our online resources can h...