絕美壓軸Ferrari Roma
United States Patent and Trademark Office●最新GT硬頂力作 ●造型融合復古前衛 ●全新車艙鋪陳 ●獨立雙座設計 ●搭載全新八速雙離合器變速箱 ●3.9 V8雙渦輪引擎 ●620hp/77.5kgm 用城市替新車命名,是一件相當有趣的事情,而當一貫有此習俗的Ferrari為之,一切都變得合理,也更加詩情畫意一些,雖然不管怎麼想,都還有一Home page of the United States Patent and Trademark Office's main web site. ... White House Task Force on High Tech Patent Issues In early June, the White House announced major steps to improve incentives for future innovation in high tech patents, a key...