SQUAD 大年初二限定商品
AICPA試題 - 高點教育出版集團GET SQUAD 持續帶來更多馬年限定商品,初二將推出 2014 A/W Embroidery Fur Baseball Coat 立體電繡皮棒球外套,以及 SQUAD 2014 A/W SQUAD Washed Savage Denim 變形蟲拼接破壞牛王,喜愛 SQUAD的朋友們美國會計師考試命題重點/參考用書 一覽表 考試科目 考試重點 參考書籍 Auditing Plan the engagement, evaluate the prospective client and engagement, decide whether to accept or continue the client and the engagement, and enter into an agreement with the ......