Following the River (「在聖靈的江河中敬拜」英文原版) | 小羊詩歌 有很多人都懷疑,自己有深海恐懼症。那到底有沒有呢?如果看完下面的圖,你心中波瀾不驚,估計你是多慮了。否則... 黑沉沉的天空下,似乎沒有邊際的深海 驟然竄出的可怕的東西 而你即便帶上武器,也沒啥用 在Imagine the ultimate worship experience—what would it be like? Using a sound scriptural foundation, Bob paints a vivid picture of what corporate worship can become. Get a glimpse of where God is taking us. There is a sweep-you-off-your-feet depth to the r...