比爾和山姆 Bill Sam [幽默小品]
職業生涯規劃 - 歡迎至南華大學比爾和山姆 (Bill & Sam) [幽默小品](中文由老編西歪翻譯)Bill and Sam, two elderly friends, met in the park every day to feed the pigeons, watch the squirrels and discuss Title 職業生涯規劃 Author a Last modified by nhu Created Date 4/14/1999 2:35:41 PM Document presentation format 如螢幕大小 Company b Other titles Times New Roman 新細明體 標楷體 ZapfDingbats BT 細明體 Arial Rage Italic 預設簡報設計 Microsoft 多媒體藝廊 投 ......