2 13開始販售!New Balance X BEAUTY YOUTH「CRT300」SNEAKER
Kenya Airways - Official Site 以 1979 年舒適性及穩定性而獲得廣大歡迎的網球鞋『CRT300』之鞋體上半部為原型,並使用跑步時兼具機能性與輕巧的鞋底『RevLite』,結合此兩種特性而誕生的就是『CRT300』。 以嶄新面貌呈現的 New Balance『CRT300』將會有兩種款型正式發售。將於 2月13日(五) 在 BKenya Airways one of the best and most respected airline companies in Africa. Enjoy comfort on our true flat beds, relax at the Simba lounge, and experience the warmth, professional etiquette and excellent hospitality from our well trained cabin crew even...