Fixed Gear Biker | Buy a fixed gear bicycle 16日凌晨時分發生舢板翻沉意外,現場消息指當時正在拍電影,八人墜海,一名51歲男子墜海失踪。消防員到場救援,約1個多小時後將墜海男子救起,送往香港北大嶼山醫院,最終搶救無效身亡。據稱當時正在拍電影,劇組人員在岸邊一個廠房拍攝。 有消息指出,當時正在拍攝成龍新片《絕地逃亡》,不幸遇難的死Fixed Gear Biker | Buy a fixed gear bicycle - Start your cycling now and get yourself set up with a Fixed Gear Bike - huge selection of fixies for sale. ... When you talk about fixed gear bikes with most people they tend not to understand what they are un...