這照片你看見了啥麼 別再為自己藉口了
DUE DATE這照片你看見了啥麼 ??? 別再為自己藉口了!!! 身體上有缺陷的人往往比一般人容易成功,來自於「專注」二字。知道自己很多事情不能做,所以專注在做一件事情上不貪心,最後挑戰自我獲得成功!!如果我們能「專注的在一件事情上」,成功必定跟著來!!! 專注就是你的思想要如鑽子,必須集中在一點鑽下去才有力量!Peter Highman (Robert Downey Jr.) is an expectant first-time father whose wife ís due date is a mere five days away. As Peter hurries to catch a flight home from Atlanta to be at her side for the birth, his best intentions go completely awry when a chance...