One Piece Film: Z - The One Piece Wiki - Manga, Anime, Pirates, Marines, Treasure, Devil Fruits, and 我的女朋友是個超級電影迷,而且每次看完電影後,都會對我提出一些要求,具體如下: 1.看完《河東獅吼》後,非要讓我從現在開始,我只許疼她一個人,要寵她、不能騙她,答應她的每一件事都要做到,對她講的每一句話都要真心,不許欺負她、罵她,要相信她,別人欺負她我要在第一時間出來幫她,她開心呢,One Piece Film: Z is the 12th One Piece film, released on December 15, 2012. The film was... ... The destruction of Firs Island. Kizaru tries to inquiry why Zephyr wants the Dyna Stones. However, Z responses by using one of the stones to attack the admira...