南非人發明女用帶鉤保險套 預防婦女受強暴
March 31, 2013: Europe Starts Daylight Saving Time【大紀元9月1日報導】(中央社記者劉正慶約翰尼斯堡一日專電)南非去年有記錄可查的強暴案共有五萬二千七百三十三件。為了協助女性同胞強化反強暴的威力,南非艾勒斯女士發明了一種帶鉤的女用保險套,只要強暴者的生殖器進入女性陰道,這種名為「帶牙保險套」的裝備便會黏附在陰莖上,讓施暴者極度疼痛難忍。綜合開普時報You might also like Daylight Saving Time â DST Daylight Saving Time aka Daylight Savings Time, DST or Summer Time. Clocks go forward 1 hour in the spring and back in the fall to make better use of daylight. more GMT or BST in the UK? The UK is not on ......