超爆笑 跟朋友打賭一定不會笑,結果第三張我就笑到噴飯了
英文短篇文章跟朋友打賭一定不會笑,結果第三張我就笑到噴飯了!! pic 1 2 這個喜羊羊是和主人有什麼仇,什麼怨啊! 太能搞了…… 小伙子,活該你沒有女朋友 這可真是“大喜”的日子呀 這猴子是成精了吧 英文短篇文章 Cat and Mouse in Partnership A cat and a mouse decide to keep house together. In times of need they bought a pot of fat and put it in the church . (only a while down the road) where it would be safe. After a little while the cat yearned for the fat...