英文聖經 niv

Online 中文/英文聖經 Holy-Bible - 다국어성경 HolyBible哈哈....(僵硬) Online 中文/英文聖經 Service Holy-Bible [檢索說明] 繁體 | NIV | KJV | NASB 舊約 創世記 歷代志下 但以理書 出埃及記 以斯拉記 何西阿書 利未記 尼希米記 約珥書 民數記 以斯帖記 阿摩司書 申命記 約伯記 俄巴底亞書 約書亞記 ......


New International Version (NIV) - Version Information - BibleGateway.com哀...第三集害我破產了... NIV sought to bring modern Bible readers as close as possible to the experience of the very first Bible ... and by using cutting-edge research on English usage, the Committee on Bible Translation has updated the text to ensure that the New International ....


The NIV Bible — Biblica這又是人類發展的新里程碑了!!!! Accuracy and readability. In one Bible. Nearly 50 years after its inception, the New International Version (NIV) has become the most widely read contemporary English Bible translation. Why? Because the NIV combines ease of reading with uncompromising ......


NIV Bible Online - Audio-Bible Welcome Page...又看錯了 Audio Bible, The New International version New Testament is on-line ... Welcome to the New International Version of the Bible! The text and the audio for the NIV are provided by the Bible Gateway and are copyrighted....


New International Version (NIV Bible) - Read and Study the Bible Online - Search, Find VersesSearch and read Bible verses using the popular NIV translation. Take notes online, highlight verses and save notes! ... In 1967, the New York Bible Society (now Biblica) generously undertook the financial sponsorship of creating a contemporary English tra...
