華碩 n55



Notebooks & Ultrabooks - N55SF - ASUSThe ASUS N series is the ultimate in laptop perfection, delivering superior sound, performance and visuals in simple yet sleek design by David Lewis. The SonicMaster Technology, alongside 2nd generation Intel® Core processors ensure that the N series deli...


ASUS1.老師:大雄.老師給你90元.你再去跟胖虎借10元.這樣你總共有多少錢?大雄:0元。...老師:你根本不懂數學了!!!!!!大雄:你根本不懂胖虎......   2.陳太太剛產下了一對龍鳳胎,從未照顧過小嬰兒的她趕緊向生了五個小孩的王太太求助。王太太喫了口茶,緩道:「久了你就習慣了。我剛ASUS is a worldwide top-three consumer notebook vendor and maker of the world’s best-selling, most award-winning, motherboards. Driven by innovation and committed to quality, ASUS won 4,256 awards in 2013 and is widely credited with revolutionizing the PC...


Asus N55SF-S2276V review - PC Advisor - Technology reviews, advice, videos, news and forums - PC Adv1、美國人的實力:想打誰,就打誰。2、英國人的實力:美國打誰,我就打誰。3、法國人的實力:誰打我,我就打誰。4、俄羅斯的實力:誰罵我,我就打誰。5、以色列的實力:誰心裡想打我,我就打誰。6、日本人的實力:誰打我,我就讓美國打誰。7、中國人的實力:誰打我,我就罵誰。8、台灣人的實力:誰打我,我就叫報紙The protractedly named Asus N55SF-S2276V falls very much from the desktop replacement mould. It's a fully featured 15.6in laptop with discrete graphics and Blu-ray drive. ... However, the Asus N55SF-S2276V has plenty to offer where it counts, with a good ...
