Tablets | Eee Pad Transformer (TF101) | ASUS UK 話說就在上個周末,又一個世界級的名媛結婚了…… 這個姑娘的名字叫 維多利亞·施華洛世奇——聽名字是不是已經猜到她的身世了? 沒錯,她就是大名鼎鼎的珠寶商施華洛世奇的家族千金,也是下一任的繼承Where to buy Ultra thin and light design in a unique, stylish pattern With a super slim profile of only 12.98mm thick in a frame that weighs only 680g, the ASUS Eee Pad Transformer is comfortable to hold from any position. The unique textured pattern offe...