Tablets | Eee Pad Transformer (TF101) | ASUS UK 一個人拍照拍得好不容易,一群人就更難。如果至今你的集體照還停留在一群人比「V」的水平,那實在是杯具! 如果不知道怎麼拍,不妨來看看社交平台Instagram上那些點讚最多的照片,是怎麼拍出創意來的: 嗯,開心,快樂,創意 哎呀不要踩啊!用角度Where to buy Ultra thin and light design in a unique, stylish pattern With a super slim profile of only 12.98mm thick in a frame that weighs only 680g, the ASUS Eee Pad Transformer is comfortable to hold from any position. The unique textured pattern offe...