Notebooks & Ultrabooks - Eee PC S101 - ASUS他們奉子成婚,但婚後整整兩年,老公卻一次也沒碰過她,直到她無意間發現老公的隨身碟...看到內容的瞬間,女人崩潰了... 圖片來源 圖片來源2 一次偶然的機會,28歲的雨寧無意中發現了丈夫鎖在櫃子裡的隨身碟,當隨身碟插入計算機的瞬間,雨寧的腦子「嗡」的炸開了。同志恩愛的錄像、一張Make a new fashion statement with the new Eee PC S101. Just 1.8 cm thin and weighing a mere 1 kg, the Eee PC S101 is a stunning sight to behold, with its premium Infusion finishes and crystal-adorned hinges. Loaded with features such as the Super Hybrid ....