猛獸爸爸 Audi RS6 Avant Performance
關注 Audi在國內發表品牌超跑R8 V10 Plus當天,其實也同步亮相了小改款的RS6 Avant Performance作為開胃菜,而這輛RS6 Avant Performance身披亮銀色車身烤漆以及其寬體的爆龜式樣,吸睛程度可一點都沒遜色,彷彿還有種「喧賓奪主」的味道。 搭載4.0升V8雙渦輪Dear Valuable Fans/Customers, Thank you for your interest in and support to Warner Music Hong Kong and its artistes. As you may be aware, there are changes to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance that takes effect from 1 st April 2013. Warner Music Hong...