全新BMW5 系列台灣預接單價公開
Dollar to Philippines peso Exchange Rate May 2013 配備超多新科技的BMW5 Series在德國發表,總代理汎德決定將其引進台灣,配備幾乎與海外版本相同,已正式展開預售,目前BMW5系列共分為五個車型,預接單價是245萬起。且目前不同的是5-Series不再有汽油入門版的520i,而改用柴油520d取代,車型更豪華,最頂級車型則換上M Sport套The US dollar to Philippines peso exchange rate is horrible. Will it get better? I think it will. Let's look at why it will. ... The dollar is going to decrease more and more against the Philippines Peso. You have to look at the big picture. The U.S. has ...