18 Crafty Halloween Bat Templates - Tip Junkie話說在美國某小鎮上,有一位老郵差要退休了 鎮上每戶人家知道此事後, 紛紛在老郵差最後一次送信?? 送給他一分精緻的退休禮物. 老郵差就這麼沿著舊徑離情依依地送著信, 滿心溫情地收下禮物. 當他送到史密斯家時, 史密斯夫人熱情地招呼Crafty Halloween bat, bat template, free Halloween templates perfect for fun Halloween crafting with kids. Some of these fun tutorials include ways to decorate your home with a bat mobile, bat garland or bat wreath as well as party favors and a bat costum...