萬聖節google doodle

Google Halloween Doodle 2011 - YouTube大家都說爆漿餐包超好吃! 但有一天我從網購買回來後...卻讓我頻頻做噁...超噁!   超噁!!!!!   我以後不敢再買爆漿餐包了...............   歡迎分享~~~~~~~~~   其他閱讀: 太不可思議了!在中國『櫻桃小丸子』竟然是18禁的A fun time-lapse video of the Google doodle team & friends carving giant pumpkins in the Halloween spirit. Shot on location at Google's Headquarters in Mountain View, CA. Music by Slavic Soul Party! Composed by Matt Moran....


Halloween 2012 - Google 1、雞雞蛇,最明顯的特徵是沒眼睛,是一種大型蚓螈兩棲動物。身體可以隨意伸長縮短。 2、紅唇蝙蝠魚,發現在加拉帕戈斯群島上,它使用胸鰭在海底行走。 3、妖精鯊魚,被稱為海洋活化石,雖然長得很兇殘,但對人類沒有危險。 4、熊貓螞蟻,因身上黑白兩色的毛而得名。它背部的刺能毒死一頭水牛。 5、海豬,生活在Halloween is definitely a favorite holiday for many folks... What's there not to like about carving pumpkins, dressing up and getting free candy? Last year many of you saw our giant pumpkin video and we thought "hmm how do we top this" (or maybe it was mo...


部落格 關於女人貞潔觀的出現,到底是不是社會的進步,我想沒有必要再去討論了。從人性的角度看,貞潔觀是造成古代寡婦悲慘命運的主要罪魁之一,應該不會有人反對。由於貞潔觀的出現,寡婦們只能望“性”興嘆,難奈的寂寞和感情的饑渴,無時無刻不在折磨著她們,導致形成了中國歷史上一個非正常人格的特...


Halloween witch: The real history behind Google's doodle - CSMonitor.com最近中國網路流傳一張圖,標題是“現在的社交軟體上色狼好多阿...” 不過看一下被色狼纏上的人,看來一山還有一山高.... XDDD ---The Halloween witch. She's mean, she's green, she's... persecuted throughout history? Today, Google pays homage to witches, but their treatment over time hasn't always been ......
