Apology (Plato) - Wikisource, the free online library 來源:普象工業設計小站(ID:iamdesign) Mark Bustos是一個生活在紐約的菲律賓人,在紐約一家高檔沙龍擔當髮型師的工作。國外理髮本來就貴,加上光顧沙龍的客人不是時尚名流就是華爾街金融權貴,所以Mark Bustos的理髮價格也是非常的不便宜,據說日薪$15000&h1 Introduction 2 The Apology 2.1 Socrates begs to be allowed to speak in his accustomed manner. 2.2 The judges must excuse Socrates if he defends himself in his own fashion. 2.3 He has to meet two sorts of accusers. 2.4 There is the accusation of the thea...