超萌19個月「小碧昂絲」 身穿200英鎊華服大秀舞技
THE SHERWOOD TAIPEI - Taipei 5 Star luxury boutique hotel - Taiwan 只有一歲多的嬰兒通常應該受盡爸媽的呵護,有些比較怕生的寶寶甚至見到陌生人就哭,這位天性「戲胞」發達的波比已經能在大眾民前跳舞 ; 儘管學走路只是5個月前的事,但她扭腰百臀的架勢可不輸給大人。 這位擁有「小碧昂絲」之稱的小嬰兒只有19個月大,而就像碧昂絲一樣喜愛As you arrive at Taipei Songshan International Airport, the global city hub of Taiwan,You’re off, off on an adventure, off on a mission.The wind gently blows as you reminisce in time gone by,As you embrace the nostalgic and artistic Ming Shen Neighborhood...