日系「超可愛」迪士尼米老鼠新機 又要來擄獲手機迷的心嚕~
THE SHERWOOD TAIPEI - Taipei 5 Star luxury boutique hotel near MRT and 101 Taiwan 圖片來自:technobuffalo.com 最近正逢日本熱鬧舉行冬季新機發表會的日子~各家日系手機大廠~可說是拿出看家本領~精銳新機盡出,不過當中應熊也特別看到日本Sharp新推出一款以迪士尼為主題打造的安卓新機~雖然只有在日本限定推出~不過因為它造型實在粉~可~愛~上頭還有大家最喜歡的米老鼠米B-one 2014 Year-End Party & 2015 Spring Party Special offers for year-end party and spring party! More than 20 customers come can enjoy variety of special promotion items, such as Boston lobster, B-one afternoon tea vouchers, B-one buffet ......