THE SHERWOOD TAIPEI - Taipei 5 Star luxury boutique hotel - Taiwan 這個真的很不簡單....最後一句也是被閃到雞皮疙瘩都飆出來了 ----------Dcard 原文: 熱戀期的爸媽男主角-老爸 43歲 女主角-老媽42歲我和我妹都快被閃死了,要掛眼科的那種刺眼先跟大家分享他們的每日普通行程。每早老爸會直接抱著老媽到浴室去刷牙然後各自去工作一定... baggage, and unlock the comfort and service that awaits you as you enter a soothing and homey room. Welcome to The Sherwood Taipei, a 5 Star Luxury Boutique Hotel in Taipei, Taiwan, Your Home Away From Home. Language English...