她是無可救藥的樂觀!名主播夫妻檔岑永康 張珮珊暢談婚姻妙事
Bureau of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Passport Photos【台北訊】知名主播夫妻檔岑永康、張珮珊受公視《誰來晚餐》邀請,拜訪兒童職能治療師呂忠益和他的家人。岑永康與張珮珊兩人在螢幕上流暢又親切的播報風格,深受觀眾青睞。因為家裡成長的環境,讓岑永康很難樂觀看待人生,直到遇到張珮珊後才開始轉念,「她是無可救藥的樂觀,所以我的人生也有稍微轉變。」本集將於週五(7Guidelines for ePassport Photographs (jpg file) The photograph must be less than 6 months old. The photograph must measure 45 x 35 mm in size (1.77 inches long x 1.38 inches wide) and show a close-up of the head and top of the shoulders. The chin to crown...