Welcome to Asiaissue : Hong Kong Web Design 香港網頁設計 麼會有這種人?一名男子當時還是役男身分時,在和朋友的一場聚餐中,將一名未成年少女灌醉後帶回家性侵得逞;事後少女發現全身赤裸、還有一堆用過的衛生紙,質問該男對她做了什麼?不料男子竟回答「就那樣啊!」他事後還向友人炫耀「我上了她」,日前被依乘機性交遭判處3年半徒刑定讞。根據法院判決指出,該名詹姓男子在Asiaissue web designwas founded in 2007 in Hong Kong. We're a one-stop solutions of responsive web design, hosting, and internet marketing. We can take your business and ideas to the world via the world wide web and print ads in English and Chinese ......