上衣全脫掉!盤點 2014 年最性感的肌肉男星
The Transformers: The Movie - Transformers Wiki 2014 年轉眼間又要過去了,在迎接新的一年前,先讓我們回顧今年的娛樂新聞事件中,有哪些火辣男星的身材,讓許多人內心都瞬間沸騰啦! ▼演出影集「噬血真愛」的 Ryan Kwanten,今年夏天到加利福尼亞州的馬里布度假 ▼瑞恩·菲利普 Ryan Phillippe 今年在 The Transformers: The Movie is an animated feature film based on the original Transformers toyline. It was released in the United States on Friday, August 8, 1986. The film's storyline follows the same continuity as the Transformers cartoon. It introduces...