
Steve Jobs hammers Michael Dell (1997) - YouTube (翻攝自Dcard) 一直都有一句話:「男追女,隔層山;女追男,隔層紗。」 倒不是因為字面上的意思代表著女追男比較容易成功, 所以鼓勵各位姊姊妹妹站起來勇於求愛, 而是在這個年代的女孩子,已經不是被動地等著男人來追求了。  也許是時代變遷吧! 如今的女孩子再也不能以過去「女子無才便是德」Rare footage showing a masterful and vengeful Steve Jobs. Following Michael Dell's recent comment where he stated he'd Shut down Apple and give the money back to the shareholders, Steve Jobs went all-in on Dell. Help us caption & translate this video! htt...


STEVE JOBS Trailer Reveals Michael Fassbender as Apple Innovator - YouTube左圖截自批踢踢,右圖轉自totallyme下同 男女第一次約會通常都是男生來安排行程的 不過光是「吃」這個環節可能就讓男生傷透腦筋 到哪吃,順不順路,好不好吃這些都是問題 深怕哪個環節出錯讓女伴心理面偷偷扣分 有網友在PTT提出了疑問 「請問女生們,如果男生初次約會時,帶你們去吃路邊攤,會扣分嗎?」The first Steve Jobs movie trailer trailer has landed online. The film has only three scenes, each one the unveiling of a product Jobs created. I really like this trailer because it walks the line between acknowledging that Steve Jobs accomplished incredi...


Michael Fassbender Invents The Future In First 'Steve Jobs' Teaser日前Selina為好友阿Ken的網路節目「K到大明星」友情站台,笑果十足!而阿KEN也情義相挺上年代MUCH「別讓身體不開心」談整形潮,阿Ken表示:「可以接受整形女友,只要女友開心就OK。」 但單身的他卻哀怨地說「找不到soulmate(靈魂伴侶)」,好友Selina不禁吐槽:「你知道甚麼人找不到"I sat in a garage and invented the future," Michael Fassbender says in a voiceover in the first "Steve Jobs" teaser. Fassbender portrays the Apple CEO and innovator in the biopic written by Aaron Sorkin and directed by Danny Boyle. The teaser also gives ...


Must Watch: First 'Steve Jobs' Trailer Starring Michael Fassbender | FirstShowing.net (翻攝自Dcard) 看了底下網友的回覆真的快笑翻了!!! "那吹一下是性冷感嗎" "搔耳朵就是性騷擾囉?!" "我常吹我家的狗耳朵阿...那不就人獸交" 網友真的是很會舉一反三欸!!   我以為摳掌心才是性暗示, 還是...這已經是很老派的做法了? 好吧..小編已老... ------"No one sees the world the same way you do." Wow! Universal has debuted the first trailer for the Steve Jobs movie, directed by Danny Boyle, starring Michael Fassbender as Jobs, and it's quite something to behold. In fact, if you're been anxiously awaitin...


'I invented the future!' Michael Fassbender in first trailer for Steve Jobs biopic - CNET 圖片轉自蘋果日報(圖為示意圖) 世界上最慘烈最痛的事情是什麼? 就是背叛自己的竟紛紛是男友和閨蜜! 最近有女網友在Dcard上PO文「最後的禮物」 分享自己的慘痛經歷和「霸氣」報復手段,讓網友直呼:「太猛了!」 以下為原文 標題: 最後的禮物 我們交往6年,我以為我們很穩定 但其實在兩個月前我早該This is the first trailer for "Steve Jobs", starring Michael Fassbender as the co-founder of Apple. "You can't write code. You are not an engineer. What do you do?" asks Seth Rogen as Jobs' fellow founder Steve Wozniak, who provided the technology know-ho...


Michael Fassbender as Steve Jobs in First Trailer for Biopic - ABC News 圖翻攝自爆料公社 今天一名網友在臉書社團「爆料公社」轉貼了兩張照片,從照片中竟然看到一名布袋戲人物「素還真」在台北搭乘捷運,引發網友瘋狂討論。   網友表示:「鬼門開不要嚇我」「要是我應該會嚇到吧!」「可是我比較喜歡莫召奴」「頭大的有點奇怪...」「時裝版素還真太強大了」「大冒險輸了?」Aaron Sorkin's "Steve Jobs" has had a rocky road, but in the first trailer to be released, Michael Fassbender looks the part and has this latest biopic heading for critical acclaim ahead of its October release. Fassbender stepped in after "Steve Jobs" los...
