
Modern and Classic - Album on Imgur如果你是MINI COUPE、MINI ROADSTER 的擁簇者,恐怕接下來會傷心一陣子了。在接連推出了一系列新車型後,寶馬終於開始感到MINI 的產品線鋪得太大了,於是決定明年開始砍掉一些車型,而上述兩者就成了犧牲品。儘管COUPE、ROADSTER 在設計上個性十足,許多人甚至是從它們開始認識Images uploaded by NlGHTW0LF ... This album is really big! It's going to take us a bit to get your download ready for you. Enter your email and we will notify you when it's ready....


Batman v Superman Batmobile: New Photos - Luxury Car news, reviews, spy shots, photos, and videos - 原來這是國外整人影片,男子用化妝技術把男性象徵以假亂真的弄在脖子上,來看看這些路人的反應吧!  A new Batman means, well, many things. It's time for a new actor to don a hopefully iconic suit, while a new director helms the course of a beloved franchise. It also means that it's time for us to get a brand new Batmobile. Although this is extremely deb...


A Real Batmobile Replica - The Truth About Cars這是在垃圾堆裡發現的一輛報廢車。但是讓人們想不到的是,經過了改裝工人的一番心血,這輛車最終以一副屌炸天的姿態,重新回到了這個世界之中。 文章來源June 15th, 2015 at 11:41 am This looks closer to Batmobile #1 than any of the Barris fibreglass replicas shown on the 1966batmobile.com webpage. I think this may be the “real deal”. From the photos, it’s the only one with that style of “beacon” on the roo...


Batmobile sells for $4.6 million at auction - Jan. 20, 2013 大家對光洙的印象應該都是搞笑又無厘頭吧!但你們有注意過其實光洙的身材比例真的超好的,190 公分的他,不管穿什麼都好好看。光洙在近期的偶像劇《沒關係,是愛情阿!》裡面的穿搭,雖然都是模仿男主角趙寅成在戲裡的穿搭,但仔細一看,其實光洙穿起來的風格又與趙寅成穿起來的感覺大大不同哦!而且小編超喜歡看光洙The Batmobile used in the 1960s Batman TV series sold for $4.6 million at a collector car auction Saturday. The car had been the sole property of its creator, legendary car customizer George Barris. It was sold at collector car auction company Barrett Jac...


List - Barrett-Jackson Auction Company - World's Greatest Collector Car Auctions 知名美式運動品牌DADA SUPREME為展現重回籃球市場的決心,於本季特別推出「JAB STEP」復古籃球鞋,一發售即造成熱烈迴響,躍升為好評熱賣鞋款。 身為街頭潮流的指標性品牌,此款除了重現復古籃球鞋的經典造型外,更結合時尚潮流元素,打造前所未有的視覺饗宴。不但作為重回籃球市場的重點商品,同時Be a part of the world's greatest classic car auction. Learn when Barrett-Jackson's next event is and get your tickets today! ... The names Barrett-Jackson, Barrett-Jackson.com, and all associated graphics, logos, page headers, button icons, scripts, and ...
