American Parkour | We promote, teach, and advance the discipline of parkour to help people discover 最近朋友們談論最多的是年紀問題,一晃眼,我們傻了。 一年又一年的青春不在了。她正向我們揮手說再見,那姿勢瀟灑的不得了。 可憐我們還在青春的小屁屁後面狂追不止。後來想想明年都23歲了。歲月真是不饒人啊。 說實話在俺們這小縣城,這年紀不談戀愛實屬不正常啊,在等倆年不結婚那更是慘不忍睹。 瘦瘦就納悶了,We are stoked to announce the addition of Laura Devinsky to our team! Laura will be managing the APK Store, doing everything from keeping our designs fresh to making sure our customers are well cared for, and keeping high interactivity between the store a...