Onitsuka Tiger 無鞋帶「MEXICO 66 SLIP-ON」輕巧登場 春季果漾配色 打
環保跳蚤屋 日本時尚運動品牌Onitsuka Tiger 將全球暢銷經典款式MEXICO 66再改造,推出SLIP-ON無鞋帶設計新款於仲春之際亮麗登場,成為戶外郊遊踏青最首選!Onitsuka Tiger賦予歷史鞋款新生命持續創新設計,獨特無鞋帶構造讓鞋款輕便易著好攜帶,展現日式運動時尚的極簡俐落,隨手捻來MGMT Congratulations Recording the follow-up to your critically-acclaimed debut album has to be a nerve-wracking affair. As a band, do you go with the same sound/formula you used on the first record? On MGMT’s sophomore album Congratulations, they ......