Simpsons Tapped Out Android Cheats - YouTube 翻拍自神魂顛倒 1、晚上和老公躺床上聊天, 老公問我:你嫁給我有沒有後悔過?我答:吵架的時候就後悔, 不吵架時就不後悔!然後我又問老公:你娶我有沒有後悔過?我家二B老公來一句:不摸你胸時不後悔, 一摸你胸我就後悔!我瞬間無語! 2、樓下夫妻倆吵架, , 女的喝了一瓶老村Get it:http://goo.gl/EKA9AP Enjoy the Simpsons Tapped Out Donuts and Money Android Cheat. Watch the video and get the instructions on how you can get unlimited donuts and money! Instructions are in the video and on the link above....