Christina Perri - Distance lyrics | LyricsMode.com (source:instagram,下同) 韓國竟然有這麼一對可愛的小夫妻! 這對夫妻因為老公自己經營服飾品牌,所以不僅親自當麻豆,也會請妻子拍女裝的穿搭照。 有天老公突發奇想,想說把衣服交換來穿會怎麼樣,沒想到造成網友熱烈討論啊! 1.將基本的元素格紋和皮裙交換來穿。2 explanations, 6 meanings to Distance lyrics by Christina Perri: The sun is filling up the room, and I can hear you dreaming. / Do you ... Distance is a song that makes me think about the true love, the love of my life. Sometimes I think that I already k...