斷掌「寄養」腿上 1個月復活
Difference Between Opportunity Cost and Marginal Cost湖南常德 1 名男子上月因操作機具失誤,導致右手被壓斷,手掌與手腕從手臂分離,當場血流如注。院方為保住男子斷手,趕忙將斷肢清創後移植到男子的左小腿「寄養」。經過 1 個月左右,斷肢幸運「活」過來,院方近日成功將斷肢重新接回男子手臂,還給男子「失而復得」的斷手。 現年 25 歲的張男上月Opportunity Cost vs Marginal Cost The concepts of opportunity cost and marginal cost are important in the case of industries where goods are being ... In brief: Opportunity Cost and Marginal Cost • Opportunity cost is described as the sacrifice of the hig...