The last waltz中英文歌詞&歌曲欣賞 @ 英語song讀書會 :: 隨意窩 Xuite日誌相信所有人都很羨慕一目十行,過目不忘的人,對於錢鍾書、比爾蓋茨等名人過目不忘的褒獎,實在是出於對他們勤奮的肯定,然而世界上也真的存在類似的人,當然這種能力反物質界稱其為異能,醫學界稱為病。這種病乃世間罕見的“超憶症”! 英國一20歲男子即患有“超憶症”The last waltz Engelbert Humperdinck I wondered should I go or should I stayThe band had only one more song to playAnd then I saw you out the corner of my eyesA little girl alone and so shy* I had the last waltz with youTwo lonely people ......